VITAMIN D “ the nutrient of the decade”

VITAMIN D “ the nutrient of the decade”

Vitamin D deficiency is incredibly common in the US, but many Americans mistakenly believe they aren’t at risk because they consume vitamin-D-fortified foods (such as milk).
There are very few foods that actually have therapeutic levels of vitamin D naturally and even fortified foods do not contain enough vitamin D to support your health needs.

While technically not a “vitamin” ( the body is able to produce vitamin D  on it’s own– if exposed to sunlight), it is in a class by itself- a secosteroid hormone—a fat soluble hormone. We call it a vitamin– because most of us do not produce enough for optimum health,  the convenience of name, and probably tradition in medicine.

There are two major forms of Vit. D , D2 ergocalciferol—which is found in plants, fungi, and fortified foods; and D 3—cholecalciferol–which is made by our skin when it is exposed to UBV sunlight and some animal food sources. Full body (bathing suit—shorts tank top ) for 30 minutes allows the average person to make 10,000 units of vit D. Our current maximum allowance in vitamins has been upgraded to 800 International Units. Our current medical culture preaches “avoid sunlight to prevent skin cancer.” “Use sunblock to prevent skin damage”. Note: using omega 3 –fish oil– keeps our skin healthy so that sun exposure is not dangerous. It’s no surprise that our health is not optimum.

Vitamin D picture chart

Areas physicians have shared with me that most of patients tested between 13 and low 20’s. Optimum levels are at least 50 to 80 ng/ml or 125-200 nM.L. A national group of individuals that are “health nuts” concerned with taking supplements and eating correctly—not John Q Public– averaged only 30 to 35 ng/ml!

What dose do we need? The average American needs 20 to 25 IU of vitamin D per pound of body weight. A 150# person would need 3,000 to 4,000 units of Vit D daily with average sunlight exposure. Our total needs per day are about 10,000 IU. This is why the flue, colds and etc are much worse in the winter—increased lack of Vit D. The more obese you are, the more Vit D required: remember Vit D is fat soluble and the more held in fatty tissue, the less available for circulation the blood stream. Most knowledgeable experts recommend 5,000 to 10,000 units a day. Toxic levels require doses in millions of units daily for extended times. “ Take 5,000 to 10,000 units a day for 2 or 3 months, then obtain a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test. Adjust your levels so that you maintain 50-80 ng/ml year-round” according to John Jacob Cannell, MD.– Executive Director of Vitamin D Institute.

A review article in the July 19, 2007 New England Journal of Medicine points out that at least 40% and up to 100% of Americans and Europeans are deficient in Vit D. Adding Vit D to our diets could reduce Type 1 diabetes in children by 78%, 72% reduction in falls in the elderly, reduce cancer by 30-50%, and reduce M.S. by at least 40%. Governmental control in Europe forbids any dietary supplement to contain more than 400 IU of vitamin D! We in U.S. still have the freedom of adequate dosing –although FDA still says 800 IU is all we need.

The Iowa Women’s Health Study (34,321 women ) concluded that increased intake of Vit D decreased the risk of breast cancer. A level of 52 ng/ml of vit D was associated with 50% reduction in breast cancer.

Brittle Bones and Hardened Arteries: The Hidden Link” by Julius Goepp MD — ties Vitamin D deficiency with arterial disease and soft bones. The study is a documentation of atherosclerosis and osteoporosis, the calcification of arteries and DE-calcificaton of bones. Lack of vit D and vit K are vital to prevent this deadly reversal of our body’s health. Vitamin D importance in healthy bones has been established for decades. We just didn’t realize how important Vit D is to healthy heart and cardiovascular system in more ways than just atherosclerosis.

Vitamin D combats colorectal cancer. Levels of 33 ng/ml reduces risk of colorectal cancer by 50% or more. Taking a modest amount of calcium also appeared to reduce adenomatous polops along with vit D .

Vit D also protects against prostate cancer and appears to modulate PSA levels Vitamin D has been reported to reduce pain, increase muscle strength and other benefits in those whose cancer had metastasized to the bones. Other anti-inflammatory nutrients also offer great promise in reducing prostate cancer.

Gingivitis risk are lowered significantly if adequate levels of Vit D are present.

University of Minnesota Medical School observed that 93% of patients with persistent, non-specific musculoskeletal pain were severely deficient with vit D , some with levels too low to detect. Vitamin D seems to up-regulate the immune system preventing and managing Rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, skin disorders of keratosis, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis.

Metabolic syndrome… a multiple symptom disease of type 11 diabetes, hypertension, high triglycerides, and high cholesterol, is increased with a deficiency of vit D.

As noted by Nephrology News:”Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to prediabetes, which is a blood glucose, or sugar, level that is too high but not high enough to be considered diabetes. In the new study, every unit increase in vitamin D level after supplementation of the vitamin decreased the risk of progression to diabetes by eight percent… ‘Without healthy lifestyle changes, nothing works to prevent diabetes in at-risk individuals,’ said the lead author, Deep Dutta, MD, DM.

Research in Japan indicates that adequate of intake of vit D, protein, and B complex have decreased risk of tooth loss.

There are several co-factors — substances that work with or enable Vit D to function. Magnesium is probably the most important co-factor. Magnesium helps the body to use calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and vit D. We need about 400mg of magnesium / 160 # person per day.

Vitamin K is needed to keep calcium in correct place. Small amounts of vitamin A are also needed. Zinc helps vit D bind to it’s receptors. Boron helps bone structural.

Vitamin D is very important for the growth, and maintenance of a person’s healthy body and we under estimate the importance of this inexpensive and readily available nutrient.

For better health,


Take Supplements of Vitamins D 3& K2 for Bones – Not Bisphosphonate Drugs

Take Supplements of Vitamins D 3& K2 for Bones – Not Bisphosphonate Drugs
Researchers at University of Illinois reviewed 212 studies relating to nutrition and bone health and came to the conclusion that supplements of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K, along with a good diet, is the best treatment for preventing or correcting bone loss.  In the review – released to the news– cautioned women against taking the widely prescribed and advertised bisphosphonate bone drugs.    Quote:  “For many people, prescription bone-building medicines should be a last resort,” said Karen Chapman-Novakofski, a U of I professor of nutrition and co-author of the study.  “Bisphosphonates, for instance, disrupt normal bone remodeling by shutting down the osteoclasts—the cells that break down old bone to make new bone. When that happens, new bone is built on top of old bone. Yes, your bone density is higher, but the bone is not always structurally sound.”  A bone density test measures quantity, not quality, of bone. “Although the test reports that you’re fine or doing better, you may still be at risk for a fracture.”
The university saying this– is kinda like biting the hand that feeds you…Drug companies are one of the main sources of research money for universities.  But rotting jaw bones and hip fractures in women who stay on these medications for years is not what common sense tells you should be the result of a drug that is supposed to be helping bones.
January 2008 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine: The conclusion of the study states “Although good evidence suggests that many agents are effective in preventing osteoporotic fractures, data are insufficient to determine the relative efficacy or safety of these agents.”  This conclusion is as “politically correct” as could be made in a pharmaceutical -related journal.
We are told calcium is what helps keeps bones healthy. The U.S. population consumes twice as much calcium as the rest of the world per capita —but we have twice the rate of hip fractures! Something does not match!
After a review of considerable published literature it is clear that those who increased their intake of vitamin D3, vitamin K2, increase their exposure to sun light (vitamin D) and a healthy diet– showed better bone density, fewer falls (vitamins D & K help balance) and a significant reduction in hip fractures.
Rresearch also showed that a high-salt diet increased the rate of calcium excretion from the body and had a negative impact on bone health.  Vitamin K2 was shown to have a positive impact on bone building.  Vitamin K biologically activates osteocalcin, which enables calcium incorporation into the proper three-dimensional structure of bone.
Many other nutrients are known to help bone, such as magnesium, boron, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, and anti-inflammatory herbs such as Zyflamend .  A better diet, exercise, stopping smoking, and the use of dietary supplements should be the mode of bone support.. Bisphosphonates should only be used as a means of last resort –and only for a few months—not years.
Rotting jaw bones, nicknamed Phossy Jaw (after Fosamax, the 21st Century version of a 19th Century disease) and now called BRONJ in the literature (Bisphosphonate-Related OsteoNecrosis of the Jaw), is a potential problem for any person that stays on these medications for 3 years or longer.
What this means is that after 3 years of bisphosphonate abuse to the normal process of bone regeneration, bone is now weakened to the point where it can become susceptible to other problems much more easily. The bone structure is designed by our maker to be totally replaced every few years. If new bone is placed on old bone– the structure formed is not properly aligned and “chalky”.   If you require any dental procedure- including a tooth extraction, then you are at high risk of developing Phossy Jaw because of an impaired healing response, infection complications, and bisphosphonate-weakened bone structure.
Bisphosphonates are very inflammatory to your digestive system—only 1% is adsorbed– the rest is available to irritate the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.  They also cause muscle, joint, and bone pain. Bisphosphonates inflame everything they come in contact with on their way to your bones, especially your esophagus. This is why 10 or more prescriptions for bisphosphonates over a 5-year period are associated with a 93% increased risk of esophageal cancer.
On Monday, January 7, 2008, the FDA issued a warning on bisphosphonate drugs saying that there is a possibility of “severe and sometimes incapacitating bone, joint, and/or muscle (musculoskeletal) pain in patients taking bisphosphonates.”  The FDA explained that the pain “may occur within days, months, or years after starting bisphosphonates. Some patients have reported relief of symptoms after discontinuing the bisphosphonate, whereas others have reported slow or incomplete resolution.”
Atrial fibrillation has been associated with bisphosphonates since 1997.  If you develop atrial fib, you are very likely to have a stroke (blood clot formed in the heart) so the standard procedure is to place the patient on Coumadin.  This blood thinner increases risk of hip fracture about 25% after just 1 year of warfarin therapy.  The once a year injection increases risk of atrial fib by over 150%.
Consumers beware. The FDA has as part of their role—helping Drug companies market drugs—helping the economy. Big Pharma has a vested interest (4 to 5 billion dollars in sale of bisphosphonates) in keeping the current thinking in medical procedure and treatment and they are “biased” toward their financial outcome.  They want as many people to take their drugs for as long as possible to “improve your health”.
For better health,

Why should I take CoQ10?

                                                         What is CoQ10?
                                                                        WHY SHOULD I TAKE  CoQ10 ?

It is a fat-soluble vitamin-like substance present in every cell of the body and serves as a coenzyme for several of the key enzymatic steps in the production of energy within the cell. It also functions as an antioxidant which is important in its clinical effects. It is naturally present in small amounts in a wide variety of foods but is particularly high in organ meats such as heart, liver and kidney, as well as beef, soy oil, sardines, mackerel, and peanuts. To put dietary CoQ10 intake into perspective, one pound of sardines, two pounds of beef, or two and one half pounds of peanuts, provide 30 mg of CoQ10.
CoQ10 is also synthesized in all tissues and in healthy individuals normal levels are maintained both by CoQ10 intake and by the body’s synthesis of CoQ10. It has no known toxicity or side effects.
CoQ10, also known as ubiquinone, is found in the mitochondria of every cell in the body. It is a compound that is made naturally in the body. Coenzyme Q10 is found in most body tissues with the highest amounts in the heart, liver, kidneys, and pancreas.
According to Dr. Karl Folkers, a pioneer in the CoQ10 fermentation synthesis, CoQ10 should be properly renamed “vitamin Q” and thus have its rightful place in essential nutrients.
CoQ10 deficiency in muscle cell mitochondria results in poor cellular respiration. Lack of CoQ10 can cause improper cellular function and inflammation and can cause irreversible and often fatal conditions such as cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, and rhabdolmyolysis (muscle wasting induced by statin drugs blocking syntheses of CoQ10 in the body).
Statin drugs in Canada are required to carry on their labels a warning stating that CoQ10 depletion can lead to serious problems. Our FDA chooses not to make any comment even despite the new very strong and super-effective statins.

Lipitor does have a “kinda warning”. “Significant decreases in circulating ubiquinone in patients treated with atorvastatin and other statins have been observed. The clinical significance of a potential long-term statin-induced deficiency of ubiquinone has not been established. It has been reported that a decrease in myocardial ubiquinone levels could lead to impaired cardiac function in patients with border-line congestive heart failure…”
Writing in the November 2003 issue of SMART MONEY magazine journalist Eleanor Laise took Pfizer to task for failing to address patients who have suffered memory loss, severe muscle pain and other symptoms of CoQ10 depletion after taking the statin Lipitor.
Merck applied for patents in 1989 and 1990 for CoQ10-/ statin products stating that the combination might be effective in cardiomyopathy, but also preventing elevated levels of the enzyme transminase. This is the marker MD’s look for in liver damage.
In case you have not realized that statins block the body’s self-production of CoQ10, that is the important information you need. If you take these drugs, especially the newer higher strength drugs, [ and they may have a valuable and necessary place in therapy], please consider taking a CoQ10 supplement. Not all CoQ10 is the same. Some is very poorly adsorbed and thus small amounts are available to used by the body.
Knowing who manufactured the CoQ10 is the key to knowing which works and which doesn’t.
Lost of CoQ10, causes muscle pain and weakness. Some people develop slurred speech, balance problems, restless sleep patterns, depression, polyneuropathy- or peripheral neuropathy. This neuropathy is manifested by weakness, tingling and pain in the hands and feet as well as difficulty walking.


There are natural statins (fermented red-rice extract) and a sugar cane extract called Policosanol .  Policosanol is technically not a sugar at all. It’s a group of eight to nine “long chain alcohols” (solid, waxy compounds). It actually contains no sugar and has no extra calories so it doesn’t have an adverse effect on blood sugar levels. Research is accumulating to show that policosanol is more effective than the most popular patent medicines for lowering total cholesterol and triglyceride levels. As added bonuses, policosanol helps to prevent strokes by inhibiting platelet aggregation and abnormal blood clotting and may lower blood pressure. And unlike the popular statins, policosanol has virtually no side effects, and does not seriously interfere with our bodies ability to produce CoQ10.As with all natural supplements, knowing the manufacture is your source of quality and effectiveness. Not all policosanol is effective, in fact most is not reliable that is marketed.
What is Cholesterol?

Every cell membrane contains cholesterol because cholesterol is what make our cells waterproof. With out it our body would have to have a different chemistry. If the cell membrane becomes leaky, the body interprets it as an emergency, releasing a flood of corticoid hormones that work by collecting cholesterol from one part of the body and moving it to areas where it is needed. Cholesterol is the body’s repair substance. Scar tissue, including in the arteries, contains high levels of cholesterol. Vitamin D is made from cholesterol. Bile salts used for digestion of fats are made up of cholesterol. Cholesterol plays a key role in brain function- in formation of memory and levels of serotonin which is our mood-well being. Over one-half of the dry weight of the cerebral cortex (brain) is cholesterol. Cholesterol is precursor to all the adrenal cortex hormones which regulate: sex hormones, blood sugar levels, mineral balance, inflammation due to stress, and healing. It is a vital necessary part of the body.

In the 60’s studies showed that lowering cholesterol saved lives. So medicine jumped on this new fact. In reality, statins work by serendipity. They lower cholesterol but this is not the therapeutic action. Helping the epithelial cells lining the blood vessels stay healthy is their real result. Cholesterol is the body’s natural anti-oxidant….a natural anti-inflammatory substance. If we lower our “inflammatory” state by fish oil (omega 3 which is anti-inflammatory) change of diet (less red meats, trans-fats, etc ) and with other anti-inflammatory herbs and mushrooms, our cholesterol automatically lowers with the good cholesterol getting higher, the bad cholesterol lower and triglycerides will also drop.This lower state of “inflammation” makes us healthier thus fewer heart attacks and strokes.
These short comments are a very tiny part of the information available.
 For better health ,

Lynn’s Pharmacy opinions on: Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Lynn’s Pharmacy opinions on:

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been commonly used in traditional medicine for the past fifty years to treat menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, sleep disorders, decreased libido, and an increased risk of fractures due to osteoporosis. Hormones used in HRT include estrogen and progestin (a synthetic progesterone). Some women, usually those who have had their uterus removed, received estrogen-only therapy. Common examples of HRT therapy include Premarin®,Prempro® Climara®, Estraderm®, Provera®, and Activella®.
Until recently, HRT was taught to physicians, pharmacist and patients that to reduce the risk of heart disease and bone fractures caused by osteoporosis, in addition to treating common menopausal symptoms, hormones were necessary and prudent. In the early 1990s, a group of investigators conducted a study known as the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), to identify the benefits and risks of HRT, specifically estrogen with or without progesterone. They found that HRT did, in fact, decrease the incidence of colon cancer and fractures in those without a diagnosis of osteoporosis and improved menopausal symptoms; however, there was an increased incidence of thromboembolic disease, breast cancer, coronary artery disease, and strokes. The study was terminated at year 7 instead of continuing for the scheduled 10 years because they had data that proved they were “killing” women in the study. Soon after that, the Heart Estrogen/progestin Replacement Study (HERS) confirmed the WHI’s findings and concluded that HRT had no protection against Cardiovascular accident ( ie. Stroke). Both studies used SYNTHETIC and patentable estrogen and progestin hormones.
The WHI study raised several safety concerns regarding the use of synthetic hormones in HRT. As a result, the use of hormones that are structurally identical to those found in the body has seen a steady increase. Also, since the end of the WHI study, Premarin® and Prempro® (equine ePremarin® sales revenues dropped dramatically. Wyeth, the manufacturer of Premarin®and Prempro® has filed “a friend of the court” law briefs with FDA attempting to ban as dangerous and unproven therapy some of the natural estrogen products even though Wyeth manufactures and promote the same form of estrogen in Europe. The FDA has taken a strong stand against compounded hormonal drugs and allowing their compounding and sale. Keep in mind, that the FDA perceives one of it’s roles is to protect and promote “Big Drug Manufacturing” as well as protect the American consumer.
These hormones that are structurally identical to those found in the body are known as bio-identical hormones. The FDA and Mainstream Medicine do not recognize bio-identical hormones as being “real” or valid drugs and therefore are at best– fraudulent, or hoaxes and at worst dangerous.””Bio-identical” is a marketing term that has no accepted medical meaning.”Misinformation is rampant” about bio-identicals, said Dr. JoAnn Manson, preventive medicine chief at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “It really is buyer beware.”” Its implied benefit is not unique to alternative remedies.”
Many believe that bio-identical hormones do not act the same way that the synthetic drugs do. Synthetic hormones contain side chains that alter their chemical relation to hormones found in the body, their metabolism, effects on body cells and other organs such as thyroid, para-thyroid, and other chemical control systems . The goal of Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) includes relief from symptoms due to decreasing hormone production, protection from conditions that natural hormones usually protect against, and the establishment of hormonal balance. The hormones ratios are probably more important than actual blood levels. The term bio-identical is not recognized by the FDA; however, estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone are FDA approved. Moreover, BHRT has been used for over 40 years in Europe and has been extensively studied.
Hormones commonly used in BHRT include the estrogens:-estrone -(E1), estradiol (E2 ) and estriol ( E3), progesterone, and testosterone. These are all hormones that exist in all human bodies in the same chemical form. Estrogens are used to relieve menopausal symptoms, such as vaginal thinning and dryness, depressed mood, poor energy levels, and sleep problems. The normal balance of estrogens in the female body is 10% estrone, 10% estradiol, and 80% estriol, but the actual levels fluctuate among women and even in same person from day to day and week to week.. Estrone is the main estrogen produced in the body after menopause, and is not commonly used in BHRT. Estradiol is the most potent of the estrogens and is the primary estrogen produced before the onset of menopause. Estriol protects against breast cancer and is produced in higher concentrations during pregnancy. Estriol also alleviates several vaginal and urinary symptoms of menopause.
We usually like to balance the estrogen hormones estradiol and estriol ( commonly called Bi-est) in an 20-80 ratio to mimic the body’s natural ratio. We think that balancing the powerful estradiol with the “protective estriol” yields the most rational, safe and effective therapy. We know that the body converts E1 to E2, E3 and back and forth.
Premarin® (Wyeth) is a synthetic estrogen product that is extracted from the urine of pregnant mares, and sometimes referred to as conjugated equine estrogens. Premarin® contains estrone and at least 10 other estrogens (some sources claim as many as 112 “estrogens” not found in the human body. Estrone comprises 50% of Premarin® which is more than the amount naturally found in the body. Estrogen is given with progesterone unless the patient has had a hysterectomy. We know that giving patients that have not had a hysterectomy synthetic estrogen will cause cervical cancer as “sure as the sun in coming up in the morning” if progesterone is not given along with the estrogen. Estrogen can be given unopposed by progesterone in hysterectomy patients although this is not recommended with BHRT therapy since there are progesterone receptors throughout the body.
The most common compounded estrogen is Bi-Est. It is comprised of estriol (80%) and estradiol (20%). Tri-Est, which contains all three naturally occurring estrogens, is sometimes used because it is compounded in concentrations (80%-10%-10% ) naturally found in the body.
Progesterone is another bio-identical hormone used in HRT; however, the term is often applied to synthetic progesterones as well. Synthetic progestins can have serious side effects—these are the chemicals (synthetic hormones ) that the (WHI) data was very strongly connecting with killing women, while bio-identical progesterones have not been shown to have negative side effects. In general, studies suggest bio-identical progesterone improves hot flashes, depression, and anxiety related to menopause. Progesterone also balances estrogen dominance. However, FDA studies have not been conducted on bio-identical progesterone to claim efficacy or safety. Regarding BHRT, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that progesterone be given with estrogen, so that estrogen in the body is not unopposed. Progesterone is sometimes given alone in perimenopause (the period of time before menopause) because progesterone levels begin to drop before those of estrogen. This leads to estrogen dominance which can cause some of the symptoms seen during perimenopause.
Androgens, which include testosterone and DHEA, are also used in BHRT. They play a role in skin, muscle tone, bone integrity, mood, decision making abilities and libido in both men and women. Testosterone and/or DHEA are sometimes given as a component of BHRT in women due to decreasing levels of testosterone and DHEA that is experienced with increased age. Testosterone is also given to men experiencing andropause also known as male menopause. It is only recommended for men whose testosterone levels are low. The goal for testosterone replacement therapy in men is to replace lost testosterone. This prevents the onset of muscle loss, prevents pot belly, type two diabetes, cardiovascular problems and improves mood, prevents loss of decision making ability, skin tone and sexual problems of erectile dysfunction, and libido.
Bio-identical hormones are compounded at Lynn’s Pharmacy for each patient per prescription from his or her physician. Patients usually hear about this option from their physician or from other patients receiving this treatment option. Patients may contact our pharmacy for information regarding bio-identical hormones. The pharmacist may schedule an appointment and discuss the patient’s current symptoms, current HRT method (if any), and past medical history. We use a computer based quiz analyzing the patient’s symptoms. There are known symptoms of too much —or lack of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. We use this as a guide to make suggestions as to treatment suggested –for the patient to take to her doctor. We feel that this is a good starting point, it is simple, inexpensive and establishes ratios and needs. As hormones are added….the thyroid, pituitary and many other hormones may change to some degree. Only once have I ever seen the first attempt be correct. Usually, this is a several month process with the patient being the key to inform the medical partners how she feels and what symptoms she is still having or perhaps what new symptoms are occurring.

The patient, physician, and pharmacist must interact to tune the “treatment” to optimum effectiveness. Keep in mind that for everyone’s benefit — patient, physician, and pharmacist — all have a role in the triangle of therapy.
A Note On The Triad Relationship:  Compounding is achieved through an essential triad relationship — patient, physician and pharmacist. The physician first prescribes the medication, then the pharmacist compounds the necessary ingredients, and dispenses the compounded medicine to the patient with consultation.  As a result , the patient receives the
customized -personalized care from both professionals that he or she deserves.
Other patients simply arrive with a prescription given to them by their physician. They may have been on BHRT therapy for a while and do not need the pharmacist involved in helping guide the therapy –similarly to traditional prescription medications such as blood pressure or heart medications.
There are saliva and blood tests available to help the physician determine hormonal levels, which can be used in along with the patient’s symptoms to develop an individualized BHRT regimen for each patient. My reading and studies indicate that the saliva test are the most accurate hormone indicators—I have changed my mind about blood test. We can also help educate you about BHRT, and want to make it clear that there is not any federal or FDA data on the safety, efficacy or long-term effects of bio-identical hormones nor does the FDA endorse or condone BHRT.
Most patients are started on Bi-est, progesterone and /or testosterone which is applied topically in a cream or gel. Initially multiple hormones may be dispensed to the patient separately so that each hormone can be adjusted as necessary until the patient’s dose is stabilized. The ultimate goal of therapy is to maximize benefits and minimize side effects to the patient. Once this goal is achieved and the final dosage is reached, sometimes all the hormones can be put into one container or syringe to allow for easier administration.
The preferred route of administration is topical, but other dosage forms available are: oral capsules, troches, and sublingual drops. Topical creams release the hormones evenly in low dosing– gradually for about 12 hours. Capsules, troches, and drops release very quickly with a high dose and taper off in blood levels with each pass through the liver. Creams are more natural and I think safer and easier to regulate.
The use of bio-identical hormones continues to increase in popularity. The idea of replacing the body’s hormones with identical hormones seems logical although larger studies need to be done to prove their safety, efficacy, and long-term effects. Larger studies have not been done because bio-identical hormones are compounded primarily by local pharmacies. Since these drugs are natural, they can not be patented: thus large manufactures or nor anyone else can afford to spend the hundreds of millions of dollars to complete the FDA required studies. Hundreds of other smaller studies have been done in USA and Europe, all with positive results as to safety and effectiveness.

For better health,


up dated     2/20/2015